Chocolate Avocado Muffins


This recipe is based off of my old recipe for chocolate avocado mini muffins, I made a few tweaks to use coconut flour instead of almond flour. I’m also not a huge stevia fan (I don’t like the aftertaste! plus it makes my stomach hurt) so I used honey instead.

Avocado is AMAZING, it is so versatile and always tastes fantastic in chocolate dishes. It adds that creaminess factor (as well as some healthy fats) and you can’t even taste it! These are some of my favorite chocolate muffins.

If you’ve been following my instagram, you knew these were coming! 🙂 Sorry for the delay!


1/4 cup coconut flour

1/3 cup cocoa powder

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 ripe avocado

3 eggs (room temp)

1/4 cup honey

scant 1/4 cup applesauce (room temp)

1/4 cup coconut milk (or almond milk) (room temp)

1/4 cup melted coconut oil


Preheat oven to 375 F. 

Sift coconut flour and cocoa powder into a bowl. Add remaining dry ingredients and mix together. Add all your wet ingredients, except the coconut oil, and mix everything together thoroughly. Add in the coconut oil and mix to combine. 

Pour batter into greased muffin tin. Bake for about 18-20 minutes, until toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean.


Tastes great served with fresh summer berries!

Image (I got hungry…. but at least I still took pictures 🙂 )



These freeze well and can be warmed in the microwave for 30 seconds.

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Single-Serving Paleo Chocolate Mug Brownie (nut-free)


Here is my geniusness shinning through! And my terrible photo skills.

I’ve designed a single-serving brownie that is super easy to make in a mug+microwave and is completely paleo with no nuts! YAY.

I was inspired by this recipe so if you are craving some chocolate, want a brownie, or need dessert here is an easy, healthier alternative then making that whole batch and then eating it all in one sitting…. I know I’m not the only one who does that.


1 tbs. plus 2 tsp. cocoa powder

1 tbs. coconut flour

pinch of salt

1/4 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp pure vanilla

1 tbs. applesauce

2 tsp. honey (or sweetner of choice)

3 tbs. milk (whatever type you like to use)

1 egg

Chocolate chips (optional)

Mix all your dry ingredients together very well in a mug or small bowl, then add in your wet ingredients. Combine everything well, add in chocolate chips if desired. Zap in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. Top with almond butter (or other nut/seed butter of choice) and/or chopped banana. Hits the spot. Super moist, too!


For The Millionth Time: Chocolate Avocado Pudding


Wow. I should not be allowed to take pictures of my food. Really. Sorry for that unappetizing image. Read the recipe instead and then make up a beautiful picture in your head. Yeah, that picture, that’s what should be right above.

So I know there are a million and one recipes for chocolate avocado pudding out there but I’ve actually never made it before and I had a very ripe avocado that needed to be used. So deal with it. And love it. Plus I wanted a snack and nothing in my fridge looked good and for some reason the chocolate bar wasn’t appealing… I wanted creamy and cold.


1 ripe avocado

1 very ripe banana

scant 1/4 cup cocoa powder

~1 tbs. honey or agave or maple syrup (more if desired)

1. tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup milk of choice (almond, coconut, etc) (add only part at first then more if need)

1 tbs. creamy sunflower seed butter or almond butter

pinch of salt

Mix everything together in a blender. I don’t have a blender so I did it by hand. That sucked. Don’t do it that way. Use a blender. Find one! It’s creamier and more delicious that way. There aren’t weird chunks of non-chocolatey avocado.


My pudding is better then every other recipe because I had sunflower seed (or almond) butter. That makes everything better. Just add it to everything. Something doesn’t taste right? Sunflower/almond butter. THAT is what makes the world go round.

OH, So since we had a little heart to heart about exercising yesterday, I thought I would post the workout I did today. I did a circuit workout which actually kicked my butt even though it may not look super hard to start out. I put my boot camp class through it, too!

You should all write this workout down and go do it now (cough AMMIE cough)

Perform 10 reps of each exercise resting one minute at the end of the circuit before repeating two more times (for a total of 3 rounds)



bicycle crunch

deadlift to row

pushup to opposite hand/toe touch (do a pushup then lift your right leg and reach it under your body to touch your left hand… yes you will be balancing on just your right hand and left leg)

squat to curl and press

speed skaters

reverse lunge with lateral raise

medicine ball wood chop

jump rope for 1 minute


Sugar Free Sweet Potato Brownies

Oh man another recipe- two days in a row! You should be so excited. These brownies are paleo, obviously. They are made from sweet potato and are delicious. Anti-inflammatory for Lyme disease!

They are based of off this recipe from but with some tweaks, of course ;). I made them completely sugar free because, well, that’s what I like to do.


1 sweet potato

3 eggs

1/4 cup melted coconut oil

1/3 cup applesauce

4 oz bar of dark chocolate (I use 100% so there is no sugar, if you like them a little sweeter or not that crazy intense dark chocolate flavor I’d advice using a 75-85% bar)- 2 oz melted and 2 oz. chopped up.

3 tbs. coconut flour

1/4 cup cocoa

1/2 tsp baking powder

1.5 tbs. vanilla powder (you could probably get away with using vanilla extract instead)

1 tbs. cinnamon

1/2 tbs. nutmeg

pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 425. Poke holes in the sweet potato with a fork and bake until done (~30 minutes).

Once it is cooked and cooled slightly to handle, peel it and mash it up (not the peel!). Be sure to mash it up really well, you could use a mixer to get it really smooth (I don’t have one…. I know! That’s what ya get for being a poor college student). OH! Be sure to turn your oven down to 350.

Add all your wet ingredients to the potato, including the 2 oz of melted chocolate.

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and add to the wet. Mix well. Then add the 2 oz. of chopped up chocolate. Mix in.

My square/rectangular baking dish was in use (aka the dishwasher was eating it… I’m lazy and don’t like to hand wash things) so I used a round cake pan. You can use either what I did or a glass baking dish (8x8ish I suppose:) ). Spray it with some olive oil or butter or whatever nonstick you like to use, pour in your batter, and bake for ~30 minutes. Be sure to let them sit until completely cooled (or even overnight) before cutting into them. This lets the flavor spread through the brownies and enhances the flavor and delicious taste for when you do eat them!



Avocado Chocolate mini Muffins


These are freaking DELICIOUS!

Avocado Chocolate mini muffins (or cookies… I added too much liquid and they wouldn’t sit on a tray ooops)

1 egg

1 ripe avocado

1/4 cup coconut oil

1 cup almond flour

1/4 cup stevia (agave would work REALLY well with these guys- I don’t like my stuff super sweet so add more sweetener as desired)

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1/4-1/3 cup cocoa

nutmeg and cinnamon (I just throw it in to my liking!)

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips or cut up super fancy delicious dark chocolate (was out :/)- optional

1/4 cup almond milk or water or coconut milk (use as needed… may not need it may need more, depending on if you want thick cookie consistency or a runnier batter)

Whisk it up in a bowl. Throw it on a cookie sheet or mini muffin tin and bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes! I’m at altitude so you may need to adjust degrees or time? To the second batch I threw in the oven I put one cashew on top- for variety and fun! 🙂